Wat To Do Telegram bot

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Wat To Do Telegram bot

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” - Walt Disney


From October 2021 to December 2021, in Minsk, Belarus, I developed the Wat To Do Telegram bot for the Space BSU program. This bot is designed to offer users creative suggestions on activities, helping them make the most of their leisure time.


Bot Design and Setup

The project started with designing the bot’s functionality and user interaction flow. Using the Telegram Bot API, I set up the bot to handle user queries and respond with activity suggestions based on different categories.


I implemented the bot using Python and built-in Telegram UI. The bot’s logic was designed to fetch and suggest activities dynamically, ensuring users receive varied and engaging content.

Hosting and Deployment

For continuous availability, I deployed the bot on Heroku. This involved configuring the server, setting up environment variables, and ensuring the bot runs smoothly without interruptions.


Header Image

Wat To Do successfully launched on Telegram, providing successful MVP for the Space BSU program.

Technology Learned/Used

Throughout this project, I deepened my expertise in:

  • Python for bot development
  • Telegram Bot API for managing bot interactions
  • Heroku for hosting and deployment


The Wat To Do Telegram bot project gave me valuable experience in API development and primary Python programming. However, the project was designed just for the Space BSU program and was not intended for further development.
